Mythical Origins
The world of Arcadia has existed alongside the Surface World since the beginning of time. At the start of every civilisation, an order of angels descends to the Earth realm to guard mortals and oversee the evolution of man.
Arcadia, a realm of unparalleled beauty and magic, was brought into existence by celestial beings at the dawn of time. This land was designed as a sanctuary where the forces of good could thrive and maintain the balance of the universe.
Role of Celestial Beings
The creation of Arcadia was overseen by powerful celestial beings who infused the land with their divine energies. These beings played a crucial role in shaping the destiny of Arcadia, ensuring that it would remain a beacon of hope and light.
The Founding of the Four Kingdoms
Arcadia is divided into four majestic kingdoms, each ruled by a celestial being. These kingdoms— Earth, Air, Fire and Water —represent the four elements of life. Each kingdom has its unique characteristics and responsibilities in maintaining the balance of Arcadia.
Arcadia is divided into four primary kingdoms, each with its own unique culture, values and elemental affiliations. These kingdoms are represented by their respective shields and zodiac signs, which symbolise their identity and legacy within the realm.
Arcadia is imbued with the mystical element of Ether, which transcends the boundaries of the other elemental realms. Ether serves as the ethereal essence that binds and harmonizes the diverse forces of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, infusing them with a sense of interconnectedness and cosmic balance. While not governed by a specific kingdom, Ether permeates every aspect of Arcadia, bridging the realms of existence and facilitating the flow of energy throughout the universe.
Kingdom of Earth

Zodiac Signs:
Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Known for its solidity and stability, the Earth Kingdom of Ardenen embodies the element of Earth. Its inhabitants draw strength from the land, shaping mountains and valleys with their will and defending the realm with unwavering determination.
People of the Earth Kingdom are placid by nature. They are stable, disciplined, and concerned with detail. They put physical wellbeing before all else. They value skills and abilities and are realistic, hard workers. At times, they can be too fixed to rules and regulations, which cause them to somewhat lack imagination. They think about what is rather than what could be. They are cautious, preferring established activities over innovative ones.
Kingdom of Air

Zodiac Signs:
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
The Air Kingdom of Sedona is characterized by its agility and intellect, representing the element of Air. Its inhabitants soar through the skies with grace and speed, harnessing the power of the winds to navigate the vast expanses of the realm.
People of the Air Kingdom are great thinkers and are concerned with intellect. They are reflective and are logical thinkers, and though they tend to procrastinate, they rarely make mistakes when they implement their ideas. They are humane but are detached from individuals. Though they tend not to be emotional, they are fair minded.
Kingdom of Fire

Zodiac Signs:
Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
The Fire Kingdom of Ethidor blazes with passion and intensity, embodying the element of Fire. Its inhabitants wield flames with skill and precision, using their fiery energy to forge weapons and defend their territory against all threats.
People of the Fire Kingdom are martyrs. They are always at the front of the battlefield. They are direct, assertive, and self-expressive. Their mode of thought is intuitive, so they sometimes don’t think things through on a logical basis before acting. Nothing hurts them more than being ignored. They are generous but sometimes egoistic. They project a radiant energy that can and does at times overwhelm others. They are often motivated by excitement and intuition.
Kingdom of Water

Zodiac Signs:
Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
The Water Kingdom of Agorah flows with tranquility and adaptability, representing the element of Water. Its inhabitants harness the power of the oceans and rivers, shaping the currents to their will and nurturing life throughout the realm.
People of the Water Kingdom are very sensitive to their own feelings and those of others. They are driven by their emotions and what feels right rather than what is rational or practical. They are nurturers by nature and need close emotional relationships. They are unpredictable. They can raise you to the heights of bliss but can also be volatile. Their beliefs are based on feelings rather than reason. They have fixed opinions.
Kingdom of Ether

What is the official name for the Fifth Element?
The Ether Kingdom is a realm of mystery and transcendence, embodying the element of Ether. Its inhabitants channel the ethereal energy that permeates the universe, bridging the gap between the material and spiritual worlds and maintaining the cosmic balance.
Ether, also known as the Fifth Element, is the essence of life. It is the beginning of the end. It is immortal, indivisible, infinite and indestructible. It is the finest and subtlest of all the elements. Out of ether came the other four elements: earth, air, fire and water. Ether is the creator and the creation of all that exists.
The Fall of Man
The fall of man marked a pivotal moment in the history of Arcadia. As darkness began to spread across the Earth, the celestial beings knew they had to intervene to restore balance.
Establishment of the Three Empires
Under the guidance of the Archangels, three distinct empires were established on Earth, each playing a crucial role in maintaining balance and harmony:
The Angelic Empire: Governed by the celestial beings who descended from Arcadia, this empire focuses on overseeing the spiritual and moral guidance of Earth’s inhabitants. The Angelic Empire is a beacon of hope and righteousness, striving to maintain the purity and sanctity of the Earth.
The Mortal Empire: Representing the human inhabitants of Earth, the Mortal Empire works in tandem with the Angelic Empire to uphold justice and order. Mortals play a significant role in defending their realm and supporting the overarching mission of the Legion of Light.
The Elemental Empire: Composed of elemental beings who harness the powers of nature, the Elemental Empire is dedicated to protecting the natural world and ensuring the elemental balance on Earth. These beings, known as elementals, collaborate closely with both mortals and angels to safeguard the planet.
Together, these three empires form a united front against the forces of darkness, working collaboratively to ensure the safety and well-being of Earth and its inhabitants. The establishment of these empires marked a new era of cooperation and mutual respect, where mortals, angels, and elementals coexisted harmoniously to preserve the balance of the realms.
The Descent of the Aeons
Twenty-four angelic beings known as Aeons descended to Earth, bringing with them hope and a mission to rebuild the Legion of Light, an organisation formed to protect the Earth and its inhabitants.
Founding by Archangels
The Legion of Light was founded by the four archangels—Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and Uriel. Their mission was clear: to protect Earth from dark forces and maintain the balance between the realms.
Mission and Purpose
The Legion’s primary goal is to safeguard Earth and its inhabitants from the encroaching shadows. They strive to uphold justice, courage and loyalty, ensuring that peace prevails.
Early Challenges and Triumphs
From its inception, the Legion faced numerous challenges, including demonic invasions and internal conflicts. However, through resilience and unwavering determination, they have triumphed over these adversities.
Cooperation Between Mortals and Arcadians
During this golden age, mortals and Arcadians worked together in harmony. This period was marked by prosperity, growth, and mutual respect between the two groups.
Prosperity and Growth
With the combined efforts of mortals and Arcadians, the realm flourished. Technological advancements and cultural achievements were at their peak during this era.
Rise of King Gaddis
Jealousy and rage led King Gaddis to rebel against the Legion. He established the Archon Empire, challenging the authority of the Legion and spreading chaos.
Creation of the Archon Empire
The rebellion saw many angels abandoning the Legion and joining the Archon Empire. These angels lost their divinity and were transformed into demons, driven by negative power.
Transformation from Angels to Demons
The transformation of angels into demons marked the beginning of an age of chaos. These fallen beings now sought to overthrow the Legion and dominate both Earth and Arcadia.
Endless War Between Aeons and Archons
An endless war ensued between the Aeons and the Archons. This period was marked by intense battles and significant turning points that shaped the future of both realms.
Major Battles and Turning Points
Key battles during this age include the Battle of Sedona and the Siege of Agorah. These conflicts determined the balance of power and tested the resilience of the Legion.
Impact on Earth and Arcadia
The war had far-reaching effects, impacting not only Arcadia but also the Earth. The stability of both realms hung in the balance as the forces of light and darkness clashed.
Key Interventions by the Legion of Light
The Legion played a crucial role in restoring balance. Through strategic interventions and courageous actions, they managed to reestablish order in Arcadia and protect Earth.
Reestablishment of Order
Peace was gradually restored as the Legion overcame the forces of darkness. Their efforts ensured that the realms could coexist once more in harmony.
Ongoing Efforts to Maintain Peace
Despite the restoration of balance, the Legion remains vigilant. They continue to protect both realms, ready to confront any new threats that may arise.
Legendary Figures
Arcadia has been home to many legendary figures, including the founding archangels and heroic warriors. Their stories inspire current and future generations.
Influential Leaders
Influential leaders like Queen Sophia and King Sol have left an indelible mark on Arcadian history. Their wisdom and leadership continue to guide the realm.
Contributions to Arcadian Society
Notable contributions include advancements in magic, technology, and cultural achievements that have enriched Arcadian society.
Arcadian Traditions and Customs
Arcadia boasts a rich tapestry of traditions and customs, from ancient rituals to modern celebrations. These cultural practices reflect the diverse heritage of the realm.
Art, Music and Literature
The arts flourish in Arcadia, with music, literature and visual arts playing a central role in its culture. Festivals and performances celebrate the creativity of its people.
Festivals and Celebrations
Annual festivals such as the Festival of Light and the Harvest Moon Celebration bring the community together, fostering a sense of unity and joy.
The Treaty of Union signifies a historic pact between the realms of Arcadia and the surface world, aiming to integrate their societies and foster mutual cooperation. This document outlines the foundational principles and articles governing this unprecedented alliance.
The Merging of Worlds
In an unprecedented event, Arcadia and the Surface World have merged, creating a new reality where Arcadians and mortals now coexist. The dissolution of Arcadia resulted in its inhabitants being automatically ejected to the Surface World, leading to a profound transformation in both societies. This integration has brought about a unique blend of cultures, traditions, and powers, reshaping the very fabric of existence.
The Role of the Legion of Light
The Legion of Light continues to play a crucial role in this new era. As the guardians of both worlds, the Legion is dedicated to maintaining balance and ensuring the safety of all inhabitants. Despite the challenges posed by the merging of realms, the Legion remains steadfast in its mission. It is actively rebuilding its ranks, recruiting new members from both Arcadian and mortal backgrounds. The training programs have been expanded to accommodate the diverse skills and abilities of the new recruits, aiming to forge a united force capable of confronting any threat.
Cooperation and Coexistence
The integration of Arcadians and mortals has not been without its difficulties. Both groups must learn to cooperate and live together harmoniously, navigating the complexities of their new shared reality. This includes dealing with the presence of Darkworkers, former Arcadians who have embraced negative energies. The path to mutual understanding and collaboration is fraught with challenges, but it also holds the promise of unprecedented growth and development.
Challenges and Opportunities
One of the most significant challenges is fostering cooperation between Arcadians and mortals. This involves addressing prejudices, overcoming mistrust, and finding common ground. Initiatives are being implemented to promote cultural exchange, education, and joint ventures that leverage the strengths of both groups. The integration also offers opportunities for innovation and progress, as the combined knowledge and abilities of Arcadians and mortals can lead to breakthroughs in various fields.
The Vision for the Future
Looking ahead, the future of this new world hinges on the ability of Arcadians and mortals to build a cohesive society. The Legion of Light envisions a future where unity prevails, and where the combined forces of light can overcome any darkness. This vision includes establishing institutions that foster collaboration, ensuring equitable resource distribution, and creating a governance structure that reflects the diverse nature of the population.
The road ahead is challenging, but it is also filled with hope. The merging of Arcadia and the Surface World marks the beginning of a new chapter in history, one where the potential for greatness is limitless. By working together, Arcadians and mortals can create a harmonious and prosperous future, paving the way for a world where peace and enlightenment reign supreme.
Articles of Union
Article I: Establishment of Unified Governance
Formation of Joint Councils: Representatives from Arcadian and mortal societies collaborate to establish councils that oversee shared governance and policy-making. Each council shall consist of representatives elected or appointed from both Arcadian and mortal communities, ensuring equal voice and representation.
Structure of Unified Parliament: A unified Parliament of Arcadia and the Surface World shall be established, comprising members elected by both Arcadians and mortals. The Parliament shall legislate on matters concerning the integrated realm, including laws, regulations, and policies affecting both communities.
Article II: Economic Integration
Unified Trade and Commerce: Full freedom of trade and commerce shall be guaranteed within the integrated realm, encompassing all territories formerly belonging to Arcadia and the Surface World. Trade routes, tariffs, and regulations shall be harmonized to promote economic prosperity and fair competition among all inhabitants.
Resource Management: Joint initiatives shall be undertaken to manage and sustainably exploit resources shared between Arcadians and mortals, ensuring equitable access and environmental stewardship. Special provisions shall be made for the regulation of magical resources and technologies originating from Arcadia.
Article III: Cultural Exchange
Educational Integration: Comprehensive educational programs shall be implemented to foster mutual understanding and cooperation between Arcadians and mortals. Curricula shall include teachings on both Arcadian magical traditions and mortal sciences, promoting knowledge exchange and innovation.
Cultural Celebrations: Joint cultural festivals and celebrations shall be organized to honor traditions from both Arcadia and the Surface World, fostering unity and appreciation of diverse cultural heritage among the populace.
Article IV: Environmental Stewardship
Sustainable Development: Collaborative efforts shall be made to implement sustainable development practices across the integrated realm. This includes initiatives for environmental conservation, renewable energy adoption, and mitigation of ecological impacts caused by magical and mortal activities.
Regulation of Arcadian Powers: Guidelines shall be established for the responsible use of Arcadian powers and magical abilities within the integrated realm, ensuring harmony with natural ecosystems and preventing misuse or overexploitation of magical resources.
Article V: Defense and Security
Unified Defense Forces: A unified defense force, known as the Legion of Light, shall be established to safeguard the integrated realm against external threats and internal conflicts. The Legion shall comprise trained individuals from both Arcadian and mortal backgrounds, equipped to handle magical and conventional warfare.
Peacekeeping and Diplomacy: Measures shall be implemented to promote peace, reconciliation, and diplomatic relations among diverse communities within the integrated realm. Conflict resolution mechanisms and peacekeeping missions shall be established to maintain stability and cooperation.
Article VI: Rights and Integration
Equal Rights and Protections: All inhabitants of the integrated realm, regardless of origin or background, shall enjoy equal rights and protections under the law. Specific provisions shall safeguard the cultural, religious, and magical freedoms of Arcadians and mortals alike, ensuring non-discrimination and inclusive governance.
Integration Initiatives: Programs shall be initiated to promote social integration and cohesion among Arcadians and mortals. These initiatives may include community projects, cultural exchanges, and mutual aid programs aimed at fostering empathy, understanding, and solidarity.
Article VII: Transitional Measures
Integration Programs: Initiatives to facilitate the smooth transition and integration of Arcadians and mortals into unified communities and institutions shall be established. These programs aim to address any challenges arising from the merging of societal structures and practices.
Support for Darkworkers: Programs to manage and support former Darkworkers integrating into the new societal framework shall be developed. Rehabilitation efforts and opportunities for productive engagement within the integrated realm shall be promoted.
Article VIII: Preservation of Heritage
Protection of Arcadian Heritage: Safeguarding Arcadian traditions, artifacts, and historical sites within the merged realm shall be ensured. Efforts to preserve and honor the rich cultural legacy of Arcadia shall be undertaken to maintain cultural identity and historical continuity.
Mutual Respect and Understanding: Promoting mutual respect and understanding between Arcadians and mortals regarding their respective histories, beliefs, and cultural practices shall be encouraged. Cultural sensitivity and appreciation shall be integral to fostering harmonious coexistence.
Article IX: Dispute Resolution and Amendments
Mechanisms for Conflict Resolution: Establishing protocols and institutions to resolve disputes and conflicts arising from the integration process shall be formalized. Fair and impartial mechanisms for mediation and arbitration shall be accessible to all inhabitants of the integrated realm.
Amendment Process: Procedures for amending the Articles of Union to adapt to changing circumstances or new challenges faced by the merged realm shall be outlined. The amendment process shall ensure transparency, inclusivity, and democratic principles in governance.
Article X: Vision for the Future
Affirmation of Unity: Affirmation of the shared commitment to unity, prosperity, and harmony between Arcadians and mortals in the newly merged realm.
Aspirations for the Future: Expressing aspirations for a future where the combined strengths and potentials of Arcadia and the surface world lead to unprecedented growth, innovation, and mutual benefit.