Charlie Theodore Blake is the protagonist of the Arcadia series. As a central figure, Charlie is known for his bravery, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination. Throughout the series, he evolves from a curious and somewhat naive boy into a seasoned hero who shoulders the weight of both his own destiny and the fate of Arcadia. His importance in the narrative is highlighted by his unique ability to bridge the magical world of Arcadia and the surface world, making him a key player in the unification of these realms.



Full Legal Name

Charlie Theodore Blake (adopted name Charlie Theodore Blake-Odessa)


King Sol, Hoot, Chaz, Romeo, The Grim Reaper, The Perceiver, Angel Boy


12 August 1998


14 – 15 (Talisman Of El)
15 (Blackout)
16 – 18 (Ground Zero)



Hair Colour


Eye Colour



The Grim Reaper
Private Detective


Legion of Light (LOL)
Hoot Investigations

Early Life

Charlie Blake was born on 12 August 1998 at North Middlesex University Hospital in London, England, to an English father, Joseph Blake, and an English mother, Eleanor Blake (née Winchester). He is an only child.

Charlie never got to meet his mother, Eleanor, who died in childbirth. He was raised by his father, who he lived with in Palmers Green. On Charlie’s tenth birthday, a tornado ripped through the city, destroying everything in its wake. Charlie’s father was amongst the fatalities. He blames himself for his father’s death and always relives the tragic moment in the form of nightmares. He’s afraid of his dreams, so much so, he sometimes goes days without sleeping.

Since becoming an orphan, Charlie has lived in six children’s home and was placed with two foster families, where he lasted less than a month with each family, before he was placed in the care of Jacob Willoughby. Charlie has always known he was different, but it’s not until he has a terrifying dream one night that turns out to be a premonition, just like the dream he had about his father, that he realises just how different he truly is.

The Discovery

Charlie is somewhat of a recluse who doesn’t like talking about himself, especially his past, specifically his parents. He’s kind and caring and likes to stick up for the underdogs. He always stands up for his friends. He’s impulsive, usually acting on instinct without thinking through his decisions first.


  • Eleanor Blake (mother)
  • Joseph Blake (father)
  • Richmond Kerd (best friend/adoptive brother)
  • Derkein Odessa (adoptive father)
  • George Odessa (adoptive grandfather)


  • Alex Dench (best friend/girlfriend)
  • Carla Shu (schoolmate)
  • Rebecca James (schoolmate)
  • Josh Hartley (schoolmate/former enemy)


  • Legion of Light
  • Candra (Chief Ruler of Arcadia)
  • Avaran (Guardian of the Fire Kingdom)
  • Isis (Elder of the Water Kingdom)
  • Terra (Elder of the Air Kingdom)
  • Oren (Elemental)
  • Ash (Lightworker)
  • Demetrius (Lightworker)
  • Akana (Lightworker)